Indonesian food

Indonesia is a country with incredible natural wealth, which includes specific food types that do not exist in other countries. Millions of specific food types present in the diet is always served on the dining table or as a snack that many were sold in various places, from the edge of the road until the big malls.

With a variety of flavors and shapes, Indonesian cuisine was also favored by foreign tourists who come to visit our country, from Bandung, we know a very famous cuisine like Serabi (Surabi Sundanese language), Peuyeum (Tape is made from cassava) , Colenak (In cocol tasty) tape made from cassava that is burned and drenched with brown sugar syrup of palm sugar that has been created and given the cheese shavings or coconut shavings up to us, apart from that there are noodles whipped, batagor (meatballs fried tofu), comro (Oncom dijero) , misro (nu fishy dijero), while if there is a very famous drink and bandrek bajigur.

From other regions such as East Java, we know food Rujak Cingur, Pudak Gresik, Tofu Mix Lamongan, Pecel Madiun Wingko, Rice chaotic Malang, Malang Tech Know, and many more.
Meanwhile, from various other regions such as North Sumatra, Medan or we know Bika Ambon, Angsle. From Padang, Rendang sure we all know by her, who is familiar because of his name rendang is always present in Padang restaurants are spread out almost the entire territory of Indonesia.

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