About Indonesia

Indonesia is one tourist destination in Southeast Asia. Indonesia lies on the equator and lies between Asia and Australia and between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean because it is situated between two continents and two oceans, it is also known as the Nusantara (Island of).

Indonesia consists of 17,508 islands, is the largest archipelago country in the world. With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest Muslim populated country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic, the House of Representatives and the president elected directly.

Indonesia borders with Malaysia on Borneo island, with Papua New Guinea on the island of Papua, and Timor Leste in the Timor Island. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, Philippines, Australia, and union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consists of various ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest ethnic group and most politically dominant. Indonesia's national motto, "Unity in Diversity" ("Diversity remains one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country.

In addition to having a large population and a dense region, Indonesia has a natural area that supports the second largest level of biodiversity in the world. Various kinds of tourism objects found in Indonesia, especially ecotourism.

In the western part of Indonesia, we can find Lake Toba (North Sumatra), Musi River (South Sumatra), waterfalls Sukadan Ham (Lampung), breeding Crocodiles (Medan, North Sumatra) and others. Meanwhile, in Eastern Indonesia, we can find a beach Lasiana (Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara), waterfalls oenesu (East Nusa Tenggara), coast of Lombok (Lombok), Losari (South Sulawesi), marine tourism Bunaken (North Sulawesi), Beach Hamadi (Jayapura), three color lakes Kalimutu (East Nusa Tenggara) and others.
Vacationing in Indonesia is one of the goals of local and foreign tourists, even Russia and Japan have made Bali as one of its own attractions for them. Therefore, few tourists who do not provide perfect value for natural beauty and cultural diversity of Indonesia.

When we go on vacation to an area or location of attractions, activities that never miss is shopping. We can choose what we want the shopping center, the products offered were diverse ranging from crafts and woven as well as various styles of batik Archipelago.

Culinary Tourism in Indonesia is not less interesting as a culinary tourism in neighboring countries. Indonesia also has a diverse high-quality crops, such as green bananas and coto Ice Maros (typical Makassar, South Sulawesi), corn Bose (East Nusa Tenggara), Gudeg (Yogyakarta), candied (typical of Malang in East Java), Shrimp and crispy tempeh crackers (West Javanese), dodol (typical Garut, West Java) and others.

For those of us who have an adventurous soul, we will tour the mountains served as a mountain Bromo (East Java), Mount Ciremai (West Java), Mount Jayawijaya (Papua), Mount Semeru (East Java) and others.
Meanwhile, for those who want religion tourism, Indonesia also has a religious tourism as Mosque of Demak (Central Java), the temples of Prambanan and Borobudur temples Kalasan (Central Java), the temple of Besakih (Bali), Sunda Kelapa Mosque (Jakarta) and others.

No tertinggalan City Jakarta. As the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta has many tourist destinations there are too many here. We can visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in which there are bridge-pavilion all provinces in Indonesia and various museums. Then we can see the National monument and museum containing the history of high Jayakarta Indonesian nation. No less interesting is a tour of Forest City (West Jakarta). Culinary Tourism is also widely available here, such as gado-gado, and glutinous typical lemper Batavia.

As one of the cultural heritage, excellent products Indonesian batik become extraordinary. Batik in Indonesia have a wide range of styles and has a specific characteristic. Batik Singkawang (West Kalimantan) has a unique mix of ethnic Chinese and Malays, Batik Yogya batik Pekalongan, Cirebon Batik, Batik kab. Brass has a distinctive original java both inland and coastal and other various styles of batik.
Because of very high interest in using batik, various secondary schools in Indonesia have held extra curricular lessons in learning batik. It is expected that the indigenous Indonesian culture is not destroyed by the currents of globalization.

If we examine more in Indonesia then we will be able to conclude that Indonesia is indeed a very great country. Thousands of islands with thousands of cultural and supported by natural resources and a superior human resources, Indonesia is able to compete in various internationally activities.
Therefore, we as a nation and people of Indonesia let us show the world that we are indeed great. Indonesia has it all, nothing that does not exist in Indonesia for the earth. Know Indonesia, Indonesian dear, I love Indonesia.

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