Tiger Island

Tiger Island - Beautiful Tiger Island, Seribu Islands, is a coastal tourist sites are truly amazing.

Tiger Island location is quite remote in the Thousand Islands in the North. Tiger Island has a maximum capacity of 30 people and the majority of visitors are foreign tourists.

The island is quite exclusive, to get to this island also needs hard struggle, in addition to be by reservation, if you want to cross to the island, you have to use the boat from Ancol which had been chartered by the respective resorts. If not, you have to use the fishing boat, which was known as the Ship Kerapu that will only depart if a minimum of eight people and passengers departed at 8 am. To go to the island itself  take quite a long time almost 1 hour more.

 Relaxing place on the edge Coast..

Views of the eastern islands, mangrove forests

However, it has stepped on this island, direct tiredness suddenly disappeared. How not, when greeted with white sand and beautiful sea breeze?

Tiger Island Coastal

If you really want to find serenity, this is the place! You will be accompanied only by nature, with no technology at all, there were no TV! But not to worry, the charm of its beauty will anesthetize you.

For reserve : http://www.pulaumacan.com

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