Delicious 'Satay'

Known as sate in Indonesian (and pronounced similar to the English), Indonesia is the home of satay, and satay is a widely renowned dish in almost all regions of Indonesia and is considered the national dish. Satays, in particular, are a staple in Indonesian cuisine, served everywhere from street carts to fine dining establishments, as well as in homes and at public gatherings. As a result, many variations have been developed throughout the Indonesian Archipelago. The satay variants in Indonesia usually named after the region its originated, the meats, parts or ingredients its uses, also might named after the process or method of cooking.

Spicy Food From Indonesia

Padang Restaurant in Indonesia
Padang restaurants are all over Jakarta.

As you might expect from a nation of over 17,000 islands, Indonesia is a food lover’s paradise. However, it remains a relatively undiscovered region which forever lives under the gourmet shadow of its northern rivals: Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Most people—if they have any notion of Indonesian cuisine at all—may associate it with nasi goring (fried rice) or satay (meat cooked and presented on skewers with peanut sauce), but despite the fact that both of these dishes can be delicious, it does a great disservice to an archipelago containing hundreds of different cultures and a wide range of flora and fauna. There has also been a long history of immigration and integration, so Chinese cooking and influences are very strong—as to a lesser extent are Indian and Arabic flavors. However, these influences and styles vary greatly across a country which stretches more than 2800 miles from Medan in Sumatra to Jayapura in Papua. For those who truly want a gastronomic tour with a difference, there can be few things more adventurous and intriguing than traveling through Indonesia’s regions and sampling the different local culinary specialties.

The Famous 'Batik'

Batik Designs
Although there are thousands of different batik designs, particular designs have traditionally been associated with traditional festivals and specific religious ceremonies. Previously, it was thought that certain cloth had mystical powers to ward off ill fortune, while other pieces could bring good luck. 

Certain batik designs are reserved for brides and bridegrooms as well as their families. Other designs are reserved for the Sultan and his family or their attendants. A person's rank could be determined by the pattern of the batik he/she wore. 

Gado-Gado Recipe

Gado Gado (Indonesian vegetable salad)

Gado gado is a very popular salad in Indonesia and has many regional variations. At its base though, it is a composed salad of cooked and raw vegetables either topped or tossed with a peanut sauce. Gado gado is an excellent addition to a buffet or rijsttafel.

"Trunyan" Original Balinese

Welcome to Trunyan, one of the oldest villages n Bali.
It's easy to see why the people of Trunyan are so defensive of their territory. The view across Lake Batur beats any northern italian backdrop. The locals call their caldera's lake 'the sea': at more than 1,600 metres above the sea-level, small, windwhipped waves cut across the depply turquoise water. Opposite the over 1,000-year-old village, pistes of dark-grey lava from previous eruptions - the last in 2000 - drip down the slopes of the still-active Gunung Batur.
Like a handful of other villages scattered around the dark volcanic uplands, Trunyan is inhabited by the Bali Mula - the so-called 'original Balinese' people - a once isolationist, disparate ethnic group that makes up nearly 3 percent of the island's population. But the Bali Mula of Trunyan are finally beginning to feel a little too isolated. Many of Trunyan's elder residents cannot speak Bahasa Indonesia.

Future of Jakarta

Jakarta is what is called, in planning and development parlance, a mega-city, and it is one of the most populous on earth. The population of jabotabek (the large metropolitan area comprised of Jakarta, Bogor, Tanggerang and Bekasi) is reaching 24 milion , the second larger in the world.The extremes of wealth and proverty in the city are evident  in every neighborhood and the city has constant buzz of actifity at every hour. Jakarta is booming in every sense.

Cimaja, Sukabumi, West Java

Cimaja, Sukabumi, West Java

When Cimaja’s sounding, one thing you can remember : SURFING.
Cimaja is one of the beaches in Indonesia, Located in the area of Pelabuhan Ratu - Sukabumi, West Java.
Cimaja has a POINT BREAK types of wave, and also have a very very consistency wave, however the surfers should be carefully because so many stone at that beach.With the beautiful rocky reef, you can enjoy a really rockin’ surfing.

Tiger Island

Tiger Island - Beautiful Tiger Island, Seribu Islands, is a coastal tourist sites are truly amazing.

Tiger Island location is quite remote in the Thousand Islands in the North. Tiger Island has a maximum capacity of 30 people and the majority of visitors are foreign tourists.

The island is quite exclusive, to get to this island also needs hard struggle, in addition to be by reservation, if you want to cross to the island, you have to use the boat from Ancol which had been chartered by the respective resorts. If not, you have to use the fishing boat, which was known as the Ship Kerapu that will only depart if a minimum of eight people and passengers departed at 8 am. To go to the island itself  take quite a long time almost 1 hour more.

Lombok Island

Cost of living compared with Europe, America or Australia as well as investment in residential property will hover around five times cheaper.
Natural beauty of Lombok such as: white sand beaches, blue sea and beautiful tropical forests, waterfalls, swimming and diving experience with stunning full facilities, making Lombok become a potential tourist destination for western tourists as well as for the rapidly growing Asian markets, which also supported by the government as they are written in the Jakarta Post 14 May 2005 that Lombok was appointed as a major tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali.

Great of North Sulawesi

It seems that there is still a bit of controversy over who opened the first dive resort in Manado. Some people will tell you one thing while others will say the opposite. Either way, subtle points of historical fact aside, from the mid 1980s onward Manado began to develop a reputation as being one of the most exciting and rewarding places to dive on the surface of our planet Earth. In due course, word got around and people came from far and wide as Manado cultivated its image as the world’s diving Mecca. So what was attracting all those people? As one local dive instructor put it, it all comes down to one simple word: "Biodiversity. Near Manado and Bunaken you can see around 3000 types of fish, and around 300 types of coral.

This is my favorite Place "Raja Ampat"

As stunningly beautiful above water as it is below, Raja Ampat (which literally translates as “The Four Kings”) has a startling diversity of habitats to explore. Each of these – from the stark wave-pounded slopes that drop away beneath the karst cliffs of Wayag and Uranie to the deep, nutrient-rich bays of Mayalibit, Kabui and Aljui to the “blue water mangrove” channels of Kofiau and Gam to the plankton-rich upwelling areas of Misool and the Dampier Strait – are home to unique assemblages of species that, when taken together, add to produce the most impressive species lists ever compiled for a coral reef system of this size.

About Indonesia

Indonesia is one tourist destination in Southeast Asia. Indonesia lies on the equator and lies between Asia and Australia and between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean because it is situated between two continents and two oceans, it is also known as the Nusantara (Island of).

Indonesia consists of 17,508 islands, is the largest archipelago country in the world. With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest Muslim populated country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic, the House of Representatives and the president elected directly.

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